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One to three emails a month. I talk about my work in progress, music I'm writing, and stuff I'm interested in as a creative person. I review books I'm reading, and include links to book promos and new releases and sales from other fantasy writers. I also send out emails containing short-short stories I've written, about 1,000 words or less.

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Immediately get Rogue God, book 1 of The Gods of Chaos, and Desecration, book 1 of The Eternal Muse Trilogy

Angels don’t say things like that….

Rogue God Cover

Cantor doesn’t want to go see the angel, even though she’s supposed to enhance his sparse magical skills; the process sometimes fails, badly, ending in insanity, or death. Unfortunately, the summons comes as a compulsion that can’t be ignored, so he gives in, and heads off.

But when he arrives, things are not as they’re supposed to be. Angels are generally quiet, calm, and sure of themselves; Robin is angry and sarcastic. Worse, her magic is a chaotic mess, leaving her as likely to turn him into a rock as any kind of mage. Neither can angels move; they wait, motionless, dispensing power to those who dare the monster filled woods to reach them. She’s certainly not supposed to follow Cantor when he leaves, but  the strange, broken magic infecting her has bound them together. Protesting and sniping at each other, they head off into the wilderness, him walking, her following along behind.

Someone, or something, has twisted the laws of magic. Can Cantor and Robin find who’s responsible and break the curse? And can they survive each other’s company long enough to do so?

When a song is a weapon, who can wield it?

Piper’s music is possessed by secret, forbidden magic that manipulates the emotions of his audiences; it’s nothing he asked for, nothing he can control. Outed by the priests of The One, who threaten to use that same magic to turn him into an unfeeling beast, he runs, escaping to neighboring Eften.

Alaria is a warrior priestess of Eften, sworn to service in her church. But the master who recruited her, who sought to understand the emotional magic, dies suddenly, replaced by a woman who’d burn down the world with her ambition.

Can the two of them discover the truth behind the magic in time to prevent a terrible war between their countries? Or will they end up as the latest victims of their churches, all ability to feel hope, love, or even hate ripped from their minds?

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